Tugas Softskill 2 Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Nama : Happy Octa Famelia
Npm : 13211211
Kelas : 4EA22
Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2


Bantargebang Street 45,
Bekasi, 17152

Rita Wijaya
Epson Industry Inc.
Cikarang Street 15,
Cikarang, 18453

20th April 2015

Dear Rita Wijaya,
I would like to order:
1) 3 LCD, Panasonic, size 24”26” @ $150 – $ 450
2) 2 LED, Toshiba, size 22”23” @ $70 – $ 140
3) 2 LED, LG, size 45”size 47” @ $100 – $ 200
4) 5 CPU, Toshiba x86 + Windows 8, @ $150 - $300

The address I would like these items shipped to is :
Rivan A. Sanders’ Computer Gallery
Bantargebang Street 47
Bekasi, 17512

Please use FeedEx Express as your shipping method. I appreciate it very much if you could send these items immediately.
If you have any questions or if any issues arise with my order, please do not hesitate to contact me at 082-456-789-00.
Thank you for your prompt and expeditious handling of this order.

Very truly yours,

Rivan A


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